Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Efficacy Apples

Apple is a type of fruit that is usually red , but there are also apple green and yellow . His skin was a bit soft , flesh hard and had some seeds in it .

Besides it feels good turns apple also has properties and health benefits for you . Apple fruit contains vitamin C and rich in anti-oxidants . According to the study , the efficacy of these apples can reduce the risk for lung cancer , colon cancer , and prostate cancer as well as the fiber contained in apples can stem heart disease , weight control , and lowers cholesterol .

Apple seeds is slightly toxic because it contains amigdalin , but are harmless to humans . Complete womb apples that contain vitamin A , B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , and VITC and there are also a number of minerals such as calcium , magnesium , potassium , iron , zinc and other elements such as fitokimian , fiber , tannins , baron and sour tartar .
20 benefits and efficacy of apple fruit for health and beauty :
  1. Nourish the digestive tract, A study using mice given apple extracts and the results were outstanding , 43% of mice given apple exposed to lower risk of colon cancer . If apple extracts the same effect mice , humans can also feel a likelihood effect .
  2. Healthy woman's breasts, By eating apples on a regular basis then a woman's breast cancer can be prevented early on.
  3. Healthy liver, Anti-oxidants in apples may protect against cancer of the liver , because that efficacy can apples for healthy hearts .
  4. Controlling blood sugar levels, Although it tastes sweet apple turns apple can control blood sugar levels effectively . It is the same also when we observe the efficacy of honey .
  5. Lowers cholesterol, By eating 2 apples every day then shown to lower cholesterol as much as 16 % .
  6. Lose weight, Apples have fiber to help digestion , jdi khsiat apples can also be to lose weight .
  7. Helping small intestine work, Consuming apples regularly can prevent constipation and other digestive disorders .
  8. Prevent senile, From studies done cornell university named for efficacy apple turns apple contains Quercetin which prevents Alzheimer 's disease .
  9. Treating anemia, The iron contained in apples can increase hemoglobin in the blood .
  10. Restore stamina, Just like the benefits of eggs , apples can also restore stamina because the content of potassium and enzymes that can relieve fatigue and reduce lactic acid in the body .
  11. Restore body balance body health sluggish, can be obtained by eating apples regularly. If you are experiencing tired , lethargic and limp then try eating an apple .
  12. Caring for your teeth, Dental will be cleaner if often consume apples because the bacteria that destroy teeth can be lost by eating apples .
  13. Caring heart, Apples can take care of the heart , and therefore from now regularly consume apples.
  14. Prevent and treat arthritis, content of nutrients in apples can believe in treating rheumatic diseases .
  15. Caring for skin health, Nutrients contained in apples can treat the skin , even skin is not just the body but also can take care of facial skin so many people who use the apples for acne medication .
  16. Suppress lung cancer cell, It is attested by studies involving 10,000 people where the people who consume the apple does not bersiko lung cancer by 50 % .
  17. Healthy eyes, Efficacy of apples is believed to nourish the eyes .
  18. Treating and preventing asthma, According to the study , the children were often minu not apple juice asthma disease .
  19. Preventing osteoporosis, old age will be experienced by all people . For anyone who does not want to have osteoporosis then than now knsumsi apples because apples according to research can benefit for treating bone .
  20. Feeding the brain, In addition to preventing senility , apples can also educate the brain because it contains Acetylcholine in it .
Efficacy of apples was very remarkable , in addition to preventing and treating diseases of apples are also very good for beauty care . Why not ? as in the above mentioned properties of apples can also slimming , skin care and dental care . it's all one of the symbols of beauty and guarded by the female . So the conclusion efficacy apples can create health and beauty .

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