Minggu, 20 April 2014

Watermelon Good For Decrease Stomach


Why is watermelon good for relieving the distended stomach ? That's because watermelon is a food with low energy density and very small even though the calories eaten in large quantities .
The content of the low energy density such as watermelon is very good for weight loss because it can make people full without adding too many calories to the daily total .
Low energy because watermelon has a high water content , which can also avoid people become dehydrated and may prevent the desire to eat another dessert that is actually high in calories .
American Dietetic Association reports that watermelon is 91 percent water content . The content of this water can act as a natural diuretic .
While the Mayo Clinic describes a diuretic effect on watermelon will make people urinate frequently , thus reducing the amount of water retention in the body . Water retention in the body that often causes a distended stomach .
According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board , sliced ​​2 cups diced watermelon portion containing 21 g carbohydrate , 20 g sugar , and contains no fat and cholesterol .
Of course the food is naturally fat-free would be better metabolized by the body , thus reducing the risk of excess fat in your midsection aka protruding belly .
Each serving of watermelon is also providing 30 percent of one's daily requirement for vitamin A as beta - carotene , 25 percent for vitamin C and 8 percent for potassium .
And most relevant to weight loss is 2 servings ( cups ) watermelon contains only 80 calories , as reported by LIVESTRONG , Tuesday ( 22/02/2011 ) .
To get the benefits , watermelon is consumed both as juice with no sugar at breakfast , snacks ( snacks ) before lunch , and desserts ( dessert ) after lunch or dinner .
In addition to a low calorie , watermelon has other advantages that are beneficial to health and also lose weight . According to the Cleveland Clinic , an antioxidant contained in watermelon can boost the natural function of the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease .
When eaten as part of a balanced diet , watermelon can also reduce the risk of stroke , kidney stones , bone loss , diabetes and cancer. 

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