Minggu, 20 April 2014

Vanilla Extract Beneficial To Health


For centuries , people have used vanilla as a medicinal herb . Today , vanilla is widely used as a cooking ingredient . Some scientific studies found the vanilla to the health benefits .

Based Encyclopedia Bartram , vanilla can help treat scratches and sores on the skin . The use of other historic vanilla including the effects of treatment for venomous snake bites and nausea .

While most people no longer use vanilla as a treatment for this disease , vanilla has other health benefits that are still used in modern medicine .

Vanilla has about 200 compounds that make up the different flavors and spices to provide health benefits . Many compounds found in vanilla which are antioxidants .

In fact , a study conducted Central Food Technological Research Institute USA concluded that vanilla has both antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties .

According to the Encyclopedia Bartram , vanilla can also help regulate menstrual cycles . Additionally , vanilla can help reduce symptoms of anxiety , improves skin tone and increase metabolism , potentially stimulating effects of weight loss in your body .

Studies conducted Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center and St George's Hospital in London also supports these findings . Encyclopedia Bartram also recommends adding vanilla extract to the milk to help reduce fever and fighting internal infections of children.

In addition , studies conducted at St George's Hospital in London declare that vanilla extract can help calm an upset stomach.

Vanilla beans are one of the spices used for seasoning a variety of sweets and drinks . Vanilla contains eugenol , caproic acid , phenoles , phenol ethers , alcohols , carbonyl compounds , acids , esters , lactones , aliphatic and aromatic carbohydrates and vitispiranes

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